Male and Female are Not the Only Genders

Male? Or female?

A lot of people who look at me assume that I am a cis-female. However, I am not. Even though I was indeed born as Female, I don't identify as a female. I identify as a non-binary genderfluid. Now, to the few people I have outed myself to in real life accept this. They use the correct pronouns for that day and accept me for who I am. And that's wonderful. But others, not so much.

A few friends that I know do not accept the idea of more than two genders. The believe that there is only cis-male, and cis-female. However, this is not the case. There are so many people who identify as genders that are outside of the binary. There are people who are transgender, people who are agender, people who are androgynous. And then there are those who are non-binary, and those like me, who are genderfluid. And this is beautiful. I am so amazed by the fact that we are able to identify these different genders in our society.

Gender and sexuality is becoming much, much more accepted now-a-days. And this is one of the greatest things in this time.

Anyways, that's all I have for now.

Have fun, stay quirky.

- Bea


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